Fire & Flood
On June 13th a lightning strike ignited Saddle Mountain in the Pine Valley Wilderness Area of Dixie National Forest. The Saddle Fire still burns but don’t despair, there is still plenty of Pine Valley love and alpine beauty to be had. The picture above was taken on June 20th from my front yard in Central (about 8 miles northwest). The following four pictures were taken on a glorious hike on July 11th as Lloyds Canyon, Goat Springs and the Forsyth trail continued to smolder. As of July 15th about 2300 acres have been affected. After many millions of dollars spent, several drone encounters and no loss of life (thanks to all the fire fighters) the Saddle Fire is 72% contained. Do yourself a favor and visit Pine Valley this summer and treat yourself for some out of this (southern Utah) world beauty.
If you have not had a chance to check the flood water footage, scroll down to the December 30th 2015 blog entry and catch the Huge Waterfall and Flash Flood footage from Jeremiah Barber.
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